Ordinary Mysticism Scavenger Hunt

 with Mirabai Starr

This event has ended

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 How do you turn toward the messy middle of your regular life and find the sacred there?  

We dare you to wander away from the religious institutions that have curated your relationship with the divine, and reclaim the holiness of your own life. 

During the course of seven days, we will offer clues to guide you into the heart of the ordinary and uncover the treasures buried there. Evocative writing prompts and an active online community transform this activity from a playful diversion into a space of liberation.


The sacred lies hidden in plain sight.  It takes courage and patience to seek it, to uncover it, to exalt it.

Reclaim everyday existence as an opportunity for awakening and praising the miraculous nestled inside the mundane.



Let's go on a little expedition to excavate the awe brimming from the places we may have overlooked: your kids and co-workers, snacks and hot baths, pumping gas and pumping iron.  Rain on the roof.  Heartbreak.

How do you reclaim the spiritual bounty of your days, trusting that everything you need to connect with the divine and step up as an instrument of peace is available in any given moment?

If you are fed up with politics, turned-off by religion, and despairing over the climate catastrophe, you are in good company. 


These are harrowing times.


It is tempting to seek outside ourselves for solutions and solace, for hope and meaning, but our existing institutions only seem to perpetuate polarization.


Join us for a week of playful seeking, in which we reclaim our everyday existence as an opportunity for awakening and praising the miraculous nestled inside the mundane. 


Sometimes when we deconstruct cherished structures, an unimagined liberation pours forth

 This free gathering is for you if...


-You're longing for deeper meaning in a culture of triviality


-Your heart is breaking for the suffering of the world


-You feel a disconnection from nature/Mother Earth


-You're faced with a “Tyranny of Tasks”


-You have a growing aversion to organized religion


People are leaving the church in droves, walking away from the synagogue and circumventing the mosque.  


Membership in ashrams and monasteries is way down, and a growing number of people are checking NONE on forms that ask about religious affiliation.  

And yet… and yet… our thirst for beauty and our hunger for meaning is more intense than ever.

By the end of our time together, you will....

-Have tools to excavate the sacred in the middle of the messy details of your real life


-Reclaim your birthright as a mystic


-Discover that you don’t have to be religious to be spiritual


-Connect with a community of other ordinary mystics 


What people are saying about Mirabai...

 "Mirabai's poetic invitations to be attentive to She Whose Grace Abounds in my own life and the life of the collective is always a gift. "

- Molly O.

 "So grateful to have been a recipient of Mirabai extensive wisdom about the Divine Feminine as I facilitate a men's group on grief - the single most sacred journey of a man's life if they are ever going to open up to the Divine Feminine within themselves thus transforming not only their lives but our Collective Consciousness as well"

- Jeff

 "More than anything, I received the gift of permission to explore and embrace, with curiosity and passion, the desires of my heart."

- Diane C.

"Loved hearing about reclaiming our desire and our longing even for chocolate or sensuality. It’s “not a distraction from God, but an invitation to find the Holy in the body.” YES! "

- Angelina K.

 "As a teacher Mirabai embodies the teacher as learner, the learner as teacher through her fierce and tender wisdom.”"

- Susan F.

Meet Mirabai

Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative non-fiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialog. A certified bereavement guide, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss. Her latest book, WILD MERCY: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019”. She lives with her extended family in the mountains of northern New Mexico.

Enter the temple of your ordinary life.
